Truth claims for everyone!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

please be.

its funny how decieving looks can really be. we're so quick to assume that we know what a person is like, before we even get a chance to figure out for ourselves.

this evening, the guys and i went to see a worship band that we used to go to school with. when we pulled up to the church, there was this kid skating, and doing a pretty good job of it. the first thing to pop into my head was, "i wonder if this kid knows what's going on inside the church tonight". as we stood in the church foyer chatting and occasionaly looking outside to see this kid land another three flip, that thought kept coming to me. eventually he made his way inside, and started talking to some of the other kids. as the concert started, and kids started singing and worshipping, i noticed that kid at the front, hand in the air, singing his heart out to God. i was taken back at the fact that i had silently stereotyped him as just some kid who skates.

it's funny how often i'm trying to defend myself from being stereotyped, when i'm really just as bad as anyone. so to anyone that i may have judged (outrightly, or just silently): i apologize. you didn't deserve it, and i'm sorry. and to anyone that may have offended me by placing me in a stereotype, i'm sorry i over reacted. i realize now how often i do the exact same thing.

hope you're doing well.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like your music revues et al, but it is absolutely lovely to hear about the innerworkings of the Jamison mind and heart. i leave it at that, until we meet again.

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