Truth claims for everyone!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Apologies to God.

Chapter One: On The Holiest of Days.

Dear God: Creator, Heavenly Father, Ruler of All.

I know I don't, and can't, speak for every person on this planet, but I know a few who might be in agreement with the things that I am about to confess. I know it's late, and the caffeine in my veins is sprinting through the passages of white blood cells and cholesterol, but I pray that you would accept this verbal offering, welcoming it with open arms.

Lord God, please forgive me. My life is seems to be a constant disappointment. On even the holiest of nights, I am still a selfish, greedy, sinful human being. I'm so sorry that I think the things I do, and that I act with such sinful intentions. I pray that you would forgive these things with your beautiful grace, and your amazing love.

I am so thankful for this day; this beautiful day that lies before me. I pray that you would forgive us in North America (and the whole world, but especially us here) for turning this holy day into a "hallmark holiday". Lord, you are worth so much more than any material possession; so much more. Please God; teach me to rest in your grace, and to fall even more in love with you.

Even though we mess things up so badly, I'm so thankful that your love can still shine through; even though we blind ourselves to the death, poverty and famines, and concentrate so greatly on our material gain, I thank you so much for how you bless us. Families put aside differences and gather in love and fellowship; strangers wish each other well while passing on the sidewalk, rather than trying not to make eye contact. Lord, I thank you for the family you have blessed me with. Lord, I thank you for the friends that you have blessed me with. Please help me to be a better son, brother, and cousin to my family; help me to be a better friend. Lord, I thank you for my friends who don't know you, and the fact that you still love them, even though they may not necessarily return your love back. I pray that you would reveal yourself to them, and help them to see how much you truly do love them. Lord, I thank you for my friends who have come to know you. I pray that you would help them to become enamored with you, that you would help them to fall in love with you, truly experiencing the love that you give.

Lord, tonight, at the beginning of this day, I thank you, most of all, for the sending of your Son. The fact that you would not give up on us, and that you would sacrifice your own Son just to save humankind, even though we are sinful, pathetic creatures. Lord, I thank you for your love, and your grace.

And Lord. Thanks for music.

And Lord. Thank you for Sigur Ros.

And Lord...

Thank you for your love.

I pray for all these things in the holy name of your Son, Jesus Christ.



Anonymous said...

yeah man. its so easy to get blinded by thinking that we need material things to survive. i feel convicted everytime i buy a new pair of jeans or shoes, knowing that i could be managing the money God gave me so much better.

its even harder being away from home. sigh.

Anonymous said...

amen. thanks for saying the things
that the rest of us can't always get
out on time.

hope you're doing well jamison.

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