Truth claims for everyone!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

blue in green.

where do people find hope.

what is it that keeps a person from just ending their life. a typical "Christian" answer is that as a follower of Christ, i have hope in an eternal life with Jesus. I feel blessed to know, and believe, that, and i know that many other Christians feel the same. I also know that many Christians that agree with that, still find themselves scared and unable to stay positive about their faith. and why shouldn't they! this life we're stuck in is really crappy. do you know how much deception, manipulation, shadiness, and all around terrible things go on from day-to-day? we're forced to deal with death, wars and sadness, with a smile on our face the whole time? why should we have hope.

i'm not a pessimist. i take pride in the fact that when i look at a situation, i can see the good in things; when i look at a person, and i see that they're struggling, i can see the good in them. i think that we need to take hope in love. we need to let people know that they're loved. we shouldn't tear others down, but rather we should build one another up, continuously. all the petty grievances, the pointless quarrels, these are the things we need to leave behind. why can't our generation be known for our ability to love one another. is it really so hard? honestly.

why does it feel so hard to make a difference.


4. My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes (right click, and save as)

Take a big breath in. Exhale.

The Mixtape Thus Far:
1. The Album Leaf - Always For You
2. Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla
3. Squarepusher - Iambic 9 Poetry
4. My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes (right click, and save as)

1 comment:

Jumo said...

I don't think we are 'forced' to smile through the things that bring us grief. But if we do have a smile, it is because that through the death, sadness and wars there is something that supercedes those things beyond human comprehension. It is the peace of God and joy of his works in the individual lives of His people that brings a smile to my face... And when you have that smile, that's when you make a difference... Because people see something in you that they desire, because everyone is searching for truth in their lives, and the only truth is found in a relationship with the living God.

It is hard to love each other brother, because alot of people christian or not, don't know first hand the true love that God wants to pour out on His children.

Pray for us...
And I will do the same, how can we recieve anything if we don't ask for it?

Love you bro

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