Truth claims for everyone!

Friday, September 22, 2006

wrapped up in books.

i realized the other day. i haven't just sat and watched a movie in at least three weeks. i've been pretty busy with school/homework/reading, and i haven't really taken any time to just sit and relax. i think i'll make time for that this weekend.

i read a new book! it was beautiful. my friend amanda reccomended it to me, and when i found out that the authour just happened to be the same guy that wrote one of my favourite books ever. the book is called "through painted deserts" and it's by Donald Miller. i couldn't reccomend it enough. in fact, come aske me if you can borrow it. as long as i get it back, i'd love to lend it to you.

though i haven't watched many movies lately, i have been listening to music. alot! you can track my progress here. lately it's been alot of ryan adams, lots of radiohead, lots of theivery corp, and lots of ninjatune. i showed jesse jaga jazzist the other weekend. he was really affected by it, and that's sweet to hear. i love it when music really makes a difference to people. i also know how much he loves music, so it's also encouraging.

things have been going well at school. i write alot of emails. mostly to three people, but still, they seem to get me through the day sometimes. i've been playing this card game called "rook" with some friends i've made there. it's a good time. it's the kind of thing where we don't really talk about anything but rook, but after we played two of the guys and i stuck around the lounge and talked about life. it's nice getting some new perspectives on things, and just meeting new people in general.

now, on to the reason you're really here:


5. Roots Manuva - Chin High (Manuvadelics Version)

Just try not to nod your head. Man, the groove in this song is just sick. That whole siren/bleep/synthy thing, that pans from left to right makes the song. Not to mention that Roots' flow is better than a good 75% of most rappers out there today. If you're not so much into Hip Hop, give it a try anyways. It's worth it.

UPDATE: I had this sweet new way to host songs, but it isn't working out. So if anyone has a suggestion of a good place to host MP3s, let me know.

The Mixtape Thus Far:
1. The Album Leaf - Always For You
2. Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla
3. Squarepusher - Iambic 9 Poetry
4. My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes (right click, and save as)
5. Roots Manuva - Chin High (Manuvadelics Version) (right click, and save as)

Peace and love!

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